Dragonball Z Brings Da Pain
DBZ Kingdom


DBZ/GT Wallpaper


DBAF Pics 1

DBAF Pics 2

Saiyan Levels

DBZ Humor 1

DBZ Humor 2

DBZ Humor 3

DBZ Humor 4

DBZ Sites I Reccomend

Welcome Z Fanz

January 26

What up Z fans? Just back here to say that I'm still alive. Yes I apologize for the lack of updates but I've had alot of trouble thinking of things to put up. A lot of people at school said to me "When's your next update" so I just got sick of it and gave them what they want. Plus I saw a drop of hits I get to my site so I just decided to find more funny things and add them. But like I always if it's not broke don't fix it so I just added more funny stuff. But thank you guys and please email me and tell me what I need to fix or add. If you are to blind to see that my email is on the bottom-right of this page (probably the reason people never email me in the first place) my email address is:


Please don't email on bullshit that I don't need to read.

December 12

Hey everyone. As you can see I made a whole lot of changes to my DBZ site. I made a DBZ Wallpaper page, and a DBZ Humor page. I recently erased the poll pages because no one had the nerve to email so I just choose to erase them and save pages for my next update. But as you see I'm also trying to make my site fun as well. Noticing that I have over 800 people on my site blew my mind. Thanks to all of you who has stuck with me from October.


If you see a page here that is Non-DBZ related I'm currently working on that page so just disregaurd it.

November 7

For a very long time I've been trying to make this site as good as I can. And it seems to me that it gets better and better everytime I update it. As you can see I've added more pages describing all the known Super Saiyan levels in the show. And it doesn't stop there when on my next update. If you have any suggestions to what I should have on this site don't be afraid to ask. As you can see I've combined all of the Saiyan Levels onto one page and by all your surprise I got more information on some more saiyan levels, but you'd have to visit the place to see which one I'm adding. But thanks for your repetitive visiting and I hope you guys like my site. There aren't a lot of sites that display as much things as I do.



Send An Email

13200Have been here since October 25 2003