Oozaru The tale of a Were ape saiyan is known pretty well. Ahhh yes, Oozaru, when a Saiyan stares at a full moon, he/she will change into a 45-foot tall, monstrous Were-monkey (Oozaru, in Japanese, translates to "Big Monkey). Transformation multiplies the users maximum power level by 10. This is probably the most dangerous transformations a saiyan has to offer. |
Super Saiyan 1 This is the first Super Saiyan level and to Akira Toriyama he originally wanted the Saiyan levels to stop at the first. To achieve this level, anger and rage triggers this that increases power and speed. The transformation makes the hair turn gold and the eyes go green. Goku was the first person to go Super Saiyan 1 in the Z team in Namek against Freiza.
Ultimate Super Saiyan This transformation happens between Super Saiyan 1 and Super Saiyan 2 though it is not necessary. The transformation causes the muscles to grow huge, the hair sticks up more, and there is a strong golden glow all over the body. This transformation increases the power tremendously but the disadvantage is that it slows you down. |
Super Saiyan 2 The second level of a Super Saiyan. This body grows more muscles, the hair glows stronger, and the body is surrounded by electricity. The power and speed increases together but speed is powered up even more. Gohan was the first person to go Super Saiyan 2 when Android 16 was killed by Cell causing him to lose his mind.
Super Saiyan 3 This level can only be achieved by training. Goku is the first person to go Super Saiyan 3. There is even more power and speed in this transformation than Super Saiyan 2. This transformation makes the hair grow very long and the eyebrows disappear. The biggest disadvantage to this stage is that it uses up a lot of energy, this stage is only meant for a short period of time because it drains energy fast. |
Super Golden Oozaru This form is like a Super Saiyan Oozaru but, instead of the Saiyan's power increasing 10xs it's increased 100 times from the Saiyan's regular power level. In order to reach this level, the Saiyan must have a tail and must be able to reach Super Saiyan and must be outer space staring at the Earth's glow.
Super Saiyan 4 In this form, red fur covers the upper body, the Saiyans hair grows about shoulder length and is black, with the exception of Gogeta, who has red hair. To reach this form, you need a tail and must be able to control the Golden Oozaru form. |
Super Saiyan 5 This is the fifth transformation of a saiyan. It resembles Super Saiyan levels 4 and 3 but body is covered in silver fur and hair. Power can cause earthquakes if used incorrectly. Speeding can split the ground as user is running. This power is achieved in Dragonball AF which is a Fan Manga. Many saiyans learn this ability as the show goes on.

Super Saiyan 6 This is the sixth transformation of a saiyan. It looks just like Super Saiyan 3 but hair is blue and bigger amounts of electricity surround the body. This level is also another saiyan level achieved in Dragonball AF by Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan. But they all look different when they transform into this.
Super Saiyan 7 This is the seventh transformation of a saiyan. It resembles Super Saiyan 5 but hair is gold and white with blue highlights. This is the third and last transformation of a saiyan in Dragonball AF. Super Saiyan levels 8, 9, and 10 are shown in Dragonball TS(which is another proven fact rumor by the fan Manga). Goku, Gohan, and Vegeta reach this level to fight the last and most strongest villian in Dragonball AF and all of them combined is the amount of power the villians power level is!